The Invincible (2023) is a story-driven adventure set in a hard sci-fi world by Stanisław Lem. Discover planet Regis III as scientist Yasna, use atompunk tools looking for a missing crew and face unforeseen threats. Make choices in a philosophical story that’s driven by science.
File №1. Game version: 44304. +8 options by CheatHappens
List of Options:
- NumPad 1: Maximum Player Speed
- NumPad 2: Unlimited Stamina
- NumPad 3: Maximum Game Speed
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Unlock all functions and get full Trainer you can here 👉 The Invincible Trainer.
File №2. CE Table +4 by Zanzer. Game version: 44.304 CL_47578.
- [x] – Increase Walk Speed
- [x] – Infinite Stamina
- [x] – Change Field of View
- [x] – Player Pointers
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At the moment you can download cheat engine table for latest PC game version (44.304 CL_47578) created by Zanzer. Trainer by CheatHappens also available. Keep for updates.