Soulstone Survivors (2022) is a new indie-created RPG with roguelike elements created by Game Smithing Limited. The game has a hack ‘n slash style of combat similar to that of Diablo or Vampire Survivor and gameplay that drops players into large maps in a siege-mode type of battle to kill waves of enemies and bosses in order to progress to more difficult areas.
File №1. Game version: 0.11.037f. +18 options by CheatHappens
List of Options:
- Num 1: Infinite Health
- Num 2: Infinite Dash
- Num 3: Instant Cooldowns
- Num 4: Mega Monsters Killed
- Num 5: Change Game Speed
Editor Options:
- Set Level
- Set Experience
- Set Minor Soulstones
- Set Corrupted Soulstones
- Set Vile
- Set Wicked
- Set Hateful
- Set Rogue
- Set Prestige
- Set Rerolls
- Set Death Guards
- Set Banishes
- Set Locks
-> Download (132 Kb)
Unlock all functions and get full Trainer you can here 👉 Soulstone Survivors Trainer.
Here you can find files for the latest game version (0.11.037f). Currently we have free trainer from CheatHappens. To find more cheats for this game type game name in search form on site.