Rebel Transmute (2024) is a sprawling 2D action-exploration epic game! Embody Moon Mikono as you explore, reprogram your abilities, duel twisted sci-fi experiments, rebel against colonizers, and search for your long lost mother.
File №1. Game version: 1.0. +4 options by CheatHappens
List of Options:
- Num 1: Invincible
- Num 2: Infinite Health
- Num 3: Change Game Speed
Editor Options:
- Set Red Flux
-> Download (141 Kb)
Unlock all functions and get full Trainer you can here 👉 Rebel Transmute Trainer.
File №2. CE Table +3 by Pongozila. Game version: 1.0.
- [x] – Unlimited Life
- [x] – Unlimited Sparkblood
- [x] – Unlimited Red Flux
– Download
At the moment you can download cheat engine table for latest PC game version (1.0) created by Pongozila. Trainer by CheatHappens also available. Keep for updates.