Naruto X Boruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections (2023) is an action/fighting game with fast-paced ninja battles and two different story modes. Play a new, original story where Boruto Uzumaki, the son of 7th Hokage and ninja of the new era, is drawn into a great battle involving the entire ninja world after meeting a girl in a popular online game.
File №1. Game version: 1.01. +12 options by CheatHappens
List of Options:
- Num 1: Infinite Health Player 1
- Num 2: Super Player 1
- Num 3: Weak Player 1
- Num 4: Infinite Health Player 2
- Num 5: Super Player 2
- Num 6: Weak Player 2
- Num 7: Freeze Battle Timer
- Num 8: Change Game Speed
Editor Options:
- Edit Ryo
- Edit Gold
- Edit Silver
- Edit Copper
-> Download (132 Kb)
Unlock all functions and get full Trainer you can here 👉 Naruto X Boruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections Trainer.
Here you can find files for the latest game version (1.01). Currently we have free trainer from CheatHappens. To find more cheats for this game type game name in search form on site.