Call to Arms Gates of Hell Trainer [v1.048.0 / CH]

Call to Arms Gates of Hell (2021) is aimed to convey the realism that strategy players have always desired: Historically accurate visuals and locations, no simplifications, no shortcuts taken. Offering unrivalled immersion to give the most legitimate WWII RTS/RTT to date.

File №1. Game version: 1.048.0. +21 options by CheatHappens

List of Options:

  • Num 1: Infinite Ammo
  • Num 2: Set XP to Maximum For Level
  • Num 3: Reset Morale
  • Num 4: Infinite Fuel
  • Num 5: Carnage Mode
  • Num 6: Change Game Speed

Editor Options:

  • Edit Health Maximum
  • Edit Health
  • Edit Health Multiplier
  • Edit Stamina Maximum
  • Edit Stamina
  • Edit Level
  • Edit Veterancy
  • Edit Current MP
  • Edit Max MP
  • Edit Max MP Cap
  • Edit Current CP
  • Edit CP Max Multiplier
  • Edit Current DP
  • Edit Max DP
  • Edit Research Tree Points

-> Download (132.2 Kb)

Unlock all functions and get full Trainer you can here 👉 Call to Arms Gates of Hell Trainer.

Here you can find files for the latest game version (1.048.0). Currently we have free trainer from CheatHappens. To find more cheats for this game type game name in search form on site.


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