Sumerian Six (2024) follows the Enigma Squad, a team of commandos composed of the world’s greatest scientists who combine their skills to conduct secret missions in their fight against the Third Reich. Together, you seek to thwart ex-member Hans Kammler’s nefarious plans involving a powerful, mystical substance named Geiststoff.
File №1. Game version: 1.0. +5 options by Abolfazl,K
- Numpad 1 – Infinite Health
- Numpad 2 – Infinite Ammo
- Numpad 3 – Ghost Mode
- Numpad 4 – Time Alarm
- Numpad 5 – Infinite Experience / Fast Level UP
-> Download (4.9 Mb)
Here you can find Sumerian Six Trainer for the latest game version (1.0). Currently we have free cheats from Abolfazl,K.