Redneck Ed: Astro Monsters Show (2020) is an energetic, colorful arcade-style beat’em up that follows the misadventures of Ed, a simple mechanic, in the world of intergalactic show business. Explore the behind-the-scenes inner workings of the galactic gladiator tournament, solve mysteries, and earn fame among the alien masses, all to get Ed’s stolen face back!
File №1. Game version: 1.0. +3 options by Abolfazl.k
- Numpad 1 – Infinite Health
- Numpad 2 – Infinite Money
- Numpad 3 – One Hit Kills / Super Damage
1. Numpad 3 – Activate the code after reducing enemy blood.
– Download
Here you can find trainer for PC game Redneck Ed: Astro Monsters Show version 1.0+. Currently we have free cheats from Abolfazl.k.