No Umbrellas Allowed Trainer (1.1.3)

No Umbrellas Allowed (2020) is a 2D economy game with strategy elements developed by Hoochoo Game Studios. Reveal the true value of the items coming into the shop. Each item has their own history. Dig deep to see what is behind them and become an expert appraiser. Begin a tug of war with customers. With their own expectations and knowledge, they never give up on money.

File №1. CE Table +1 by ColonelRVH. Game version: 1.1.3+.

Available Functions:

  • [x] – Infinite Money


1. To update you need spend some money after activation. The default value 777.777.777.


At the moment you can download cheat engine table for latest game version (1.1.3) created by ColonelRVH. Trainer for No Umbrellas Allowed will be available soon. Keep for updates.


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6 Responses

  1. Lenko says:

    the download link is going to blacksmith of the sand kingdom file, not the no umbrellas file

  2. i want 0.9.9 says:

    I want to get the latest version of this game. The latest version is 0.9.9

  3. Stefan says:

    version 1.0.8 is just coming so the trainer needs to update because I can not get it to work on the latest version

  4. Yo says:

    Please update for version 1.0.8

  5. JAK says:

    well..I think you didn’t update the google drive..

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