Into the Radius 2 Trainer [v1.0 / CH]

Into the Radius 2 (2024) is an immersive VR survival shooter, set in a realm of surreal landscapes and deadly entities known as Pechorsk Anomaly. Arm yourself with realistic weapons and venture deeper into the mysteries that lie within, either solo or with a friend by your side.

File №1. Game version: 1.0. +6 options by CheatHappens


  • Num 1: Invulnerable
  • Num 2: Infinite Stamina
  • Num 3: Maximum Damage
  • Num 4: Fly Mode
  • Num 5: Hover Player Higher
  • Num 6: Hover Player Lower

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Unlock all functions and get full Trainer you can here 👉 Into the Radius 2 Trainer.

Here you can find files for the latest game version (1.0). Currently we have free trainer from CheatHappens. To find more cheats for this game type game name in search form on site.


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