Faeland (2023) is an adventure RPG set in a beautiful world inspired by 8-bit classics. Traverse through the expansive world of Faeland, making your way through forests, caves, dungeons and castles. As you unlock new abilities, revisit old haunts to explore previously inaccessible areas hiding deep secrets.
File №1. Game version: 0.5.02. +23 options by CheatHappens
- Num 1: Immortal Player
- Num 2: Infinite Jumps
- Num 3: Infinite Use Items
- Num 4: Change Game Speed
Editor Options:
- Set Current Health
- Set Maximum Health Base
- Set Maximum Health
- Set Times Died
- Set Time Played
- Set Maximum Oxygen
- Set Current Oxygen
- Set Air Kick Damage
- Set Crouch Kick Damage
- Set Poisoned
- Set Temperature
- Set Poison Resistance
- Set Fire Resistance
- Set Ice Resistance
- Set Gold
- Set Maximum Gold Allowed
- Set Maximum Speed
- Set Jump Strength
- Set Swim Movement Multipler
-> Download (141 Kb)
Unlock all functions and get full Trainer you can here 👉 Faeland Trainer.
Here you can find Trainer for the latest game version (0.5.02). Currently we have free cheats from CheatHappens.