CULTIC (2022) is a new old-school-inspired shooter. The game gives you the freedom to approach combat your way. You can run in guns blazing, running, jumping, sliding, and dodging to keep out of harms way. If you prefer a slower approach, you can lay traps, let your enemies come to you, and pick them off from the safety of cover.
File №1. CE Table +7 by ndck76. Game version: 1.0.
Available Options:
- [x] – Allow Debug Mode (In-game console)
- [x] – Unlimited Health
- [x] – Unlimited Ammo
- [x] – Rapid Fire
- [x] – Maximum Ammo
- [x] – scrGameControl
- [x] – playerCash (Pointer)
– Download
At the moment you can download cheat engine table for latest PC game version (1.0) created by ndck76. Trainer for CULTIC will be available soon. Keep for updates.